
Meilleures ventes

Conseils de lecture

Maude De Bel


Conseillé par (La Mare aux Diables)
9 juin 2024


Album rempli de tendresse abordant les thèmes de la confiance en soi et de l'entraide. Illustrations réalisées par Quentin Gréban à qui on doit "Maman", "Papa" et "Amoureux". A partir de 3 ans Delphine

Percival Everett (Author)


Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
30 mai 2024

A retelling of The Aventures of Huckleberry Finn

James is a gripping retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in which Jim is the main character. This time, the story is told by the runaway slave’s point of view, and Percival Everett, far from what Twain presupposed, gives Jim the depth of character that was erased in the first novel. With James, Everett gives a proud voice to one of the few Black characters in classic literature, underlining his complex personality and the painful life of a runaway slave in the southern states of Ame…
